Monday, December 8, 2008

Volleybal Regionals

OMG!! We are the 2008 champs for volleyball. It was a fun weekend, but I was getting homesick at the same time. It felt like we were away from home for a long time, but it was just four days. I miss hanging out with friends. I'd say hanging out with friends was the best part, well playing for the championship game was the best of all. We won all the way, but lost one of our matches. I'm excited to go to state for volley even though the coach from Akiak said that the players would be tall and tougher. I'm just happy for the whole team that tried their best and worked as a team. I'd get mad here at there, but I'd try hard to let it pass and wasn't trying to show it. I was even mad at myself, but yeah. I am thankful for our coach Deanna for coaching us this far even though some days we'd give her bad attitudes. I know how it feels to be blah-ed at:). Here we come ANCHORAGE!:)


Irniaq said...

Anchorage, here they come...

I'm so excited for you guys! You make us so proud! Thanks for ALL your hard work in the classroom and on the court. I hope you have a fantastic time. Too bad I can't fit in your suitcase!!!

: )

Uyang' said...

hehe, yeah.. felt really great gettin' to be champs at our region, and get last at state, hehe, that's ohk,, bcuz this is our first time in state for grizzlies, n' feel like we're away for a long time again, this time in anchorage.. haha, what great trip too, peace

Michael-aq said...

Wonder how come we had to stay at akiak for one day before regionals? Eh i jks it was kind of fun staying at akiak, but boring in the gym when we were doing homework.